
«Her mother’s genes did their job!»: This is what actress and producer Witherspoon’s daughter looks like now

Here is what a beauty Witherspoon’s daughter has become who is her mother’s copy 🤗😍

Looking at the recent photos of 19-year-old Ava proves that there is nothing more powerful on Earth than genes. Her resemblance to her legendary mother is something out of this world.

The girl somehow reminded the fans of the naïve and charming character of the movie «Legally Blonde» whom absolutely everyone admired.

The way she looks like Witherspoon left no single one indifferent. They seem to have identical features as well as character. They two are often seen attending gatherings and events together.

She is currently studying at New York University, has already tried her hand as a model and, to everyone’s surprise, has her own line of clothing.

It is quite clear that she is truly a creative and intelligent girl who undeniably has a bright future ahead of her.

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