
‘Final Days’: Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Are Together Under Hospice Care Surrounded by Family

  • Jimmy Carter, who turned 99, attributes his long life to his wife, Rosalynn.
  • In February 2023, President Carter decided to enter hospice care.
  • Recent updates on Rosalynn Carter’s well-being have caused public concern six months after her diagnosis was disclosed.
President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter in Washington, DC on April 25, 1977 | Source Getty Images

President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter in Washington, DC on April 25, 1977 | Source Getty Images

A few years ago, Jimmy Carter, who celebrated his 99th birthday on October 1, shared his insights in an intimate reflection on his longevity. The oldest living president in American history attributed his enduring years to a simple, yet profound secret: “Marry the best spouse: someone who will take care of you and engage and do things to challenge you and keep you alive and interested in life.” He and his wife, Rosalynn Carter, who tied the knot in 1946, continued to cherish their life together despite acknowledging their physical frailty.

Though just a few years ago, the couple, married for 77 years, presented a picture of resilient well-being, the reality of their advancing years is now more evident. Nowadays, the public watches with a mix of admiration and concern, offering prayers for them.

Regular updates from their two grandsons keep the world informed. The Carters’ enduring love remains a beacon of their union. “They are still holding hands… it’s just amazing,” said grandson Josh Carter.

What Happened to President Jimmy Carter?

Jimmy Carter at the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC on May 15, 1976 | Source: Getty Images

Jimmy Carter at the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC on May 15, 1976 | Source: Getty Images

In February 2023, a profound shift occurred in the life of former President. After a series of brief hospital visits, he made a significant decision to spend his remaining time at home, opting for hospice care over further medical treatment. Jason, one of Carter’s grandsons, poignantly remarked:

“My grandfather right now is really physically limited — he’s coming to the end, as is obvious by the fact that he’s been in hospice.”

Similarly, another grandson, Josh Carter, observed the stark realities of their situation, stating, “Odds are I’m gonna lose my grandfather before my grandmother. He’s in hospice care and she’s not, and it’s just math.” This candid admission reflects the family’s emotional preparation for the inevitable.

Jason Carter hughes grandfather, Jimmy Carter, at Emmanuel Christian Community Church on October 27, 2014 in Columbus, Georgia | Source: Getty Images

Jason Carter hughes grandfather, Jimmy Carter, at Emmanuel Christian Community Church on October 27, 2014 in Columbus, Georgia | Source: Getty Images

Despite these sobering insights, the situation holds a degree of uncertainty. While Josh’s comments suggest that his grandfather might pass away before his grandmother, who turned 96 on August 18, recent news about her condition might change the situation.

What Happened to Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter?

Rosalynn Carter during an unspecified event, Pine Bluff, Arkansas on July 23, 1979 | Source: Getty Images

Rosalynn Carter during an unspecified event, Pine Bluff, Arkansas on July 23, 1979 | Source: Getty Images

A recent Twitter post by Jason Carter, shared on behalf of The Carter Center, reiterated the message from the formal statement regarding Rosalynn Carter entering hospice care. The post emphasizes that both the former First Lady and President Carter are spending precious time together with their family. It also echoes the family’s request for privacy during this challenging period, while appreciating the widespread love and support they have received.

The Carter family shared a significant update about former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s health earlier, revealing that she had been diagnosed with dementia. For her spouse, witnessing his partner of 77 years confront memory loss is “hard,” a testament to the depth of their shared life and love.

Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, and grandson Jason Carter at Emmanuel Christian Community Church on October 27, 2014 in Columbus, Georgia | Source: Getty Images

Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, and grandson Jason Carter at Emmanuel Christian Community Church on October 27, 2014 in Columbus, Georgia | Source: Getty Images

Josh Carter provided further insight, indicating that Mrs. Carter was aware of her diagnosis, having even given her consent to the press release that announced her condition. He shared:

“She still knows who we are, for the most part — that we are family.”

How Has the Public Reacted to the Heartbreaking News About the Carters?

Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter walk at a friend's home on Saturday August 04, 2018 in Plains, GA | Source: Getty Images

Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter walk at a friend’s home on Saturday August 04, 2018 in Plains, GA | Source: Getty Images

After a recent update from Jason Carter about his grandmother’s entry into hospice care, Twitter comments reflect a blend of emotions from fans in response to the Carter family’s situation. One user describes the situation as “bittersweet,” anticipating that the Carters may pass away close in time to each other. Another expresses hope for “peace and joy” in “their final days.”

A third comment acknowledges the Carters as paragons of grace, love, and service, expressing sorrow that “they are coming to the end of their lives.” There are wishes for peace and comfort during the Carters’ “final journey,” and another user shares a somber feeling about the couple’s fate, offering prayers. Lastly, a comment sends love and light, capturing the heartfelt sorrow felt by supporters and emphasizing how “heartbreaking” the situation is.