61-year-old Moore became the highlight at the Awards with her stunning appearance
Recently, New York City’s Big Apple held the ceremony of Awards which welcomed the Oscar winner, charming and talented actress J. Moore as well. The spectacular appearance of the overall-recognized film star didn’t let anyone there stay indifferent. The iconic actress’s delicate makeup and successfully chosen outfit made her the highlight at the Awards.
The legendary star chose an elegant creamy full-length dress with a deep neckline completing her stunning look with golden jewelry and a heartwarming smile. People were pleasantly surprised with the 61-year-old celebrity’s magnificent appearance and rushed to compliment their idol.
For many, it is still hard to realize that Julianne is already in her 60s never ceasing to delight her admirers with her unearthly grace, femininity and elegance.
She encourages others to take good care of themselves and pay much attention to the way they look.
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