The rare public appearance of Foster after her long absence left no one indifferent 🧐🤔
This overall-known and Oscar-winning actress has lately been spotted in public with her wife Alexandra Hadison and their son. After her long disappearance, the 60-year-old film star has been caught by the paparazzi.
The last time she was spotted in public with her family was, believe it or not, in 2021.
It should be mentioned that her wife is 53, 7 years younger than her, and is an actress as well. The family took a walk from the West Village in Manhattan to Rockefeller Center.
His ex-partner is producer S. Bernard. The spouses broke up after being together for 15 years.
What concerns Keith and Charles, they were born with the help of IVF procedure, yet the identity of their father is unknown.
After her career break, she made a fantastic comeback in the popular TV series «True Detective». There, she portrayed Liz Danvers.
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