
Why Vincent Cassel could have become a clown and not an actor, and why his relationship with Monica Bellucci began with a scandal.

Vincent Cassel is 55! One of the most beloved and famous French actors celebrated his birthday on November 23. Did you know that Vincent could be a clown and not an actor ? Did he start dating his ex-wife Monica Bellucci with a scandal? He is such a difficult man. Actor Vincent Cassel has always played evil and even slightly insane characters. But this did not alienate his fans. And even the opposite. Women love bad boys. Now we will tell you a lot of interesting things about Vincent , including how he is connected with the Russian mafia.

Actor Vincent Cassel: interesting facts

From Catholic school to acrobats and actors

As a child, Vincent dreamed of becoming a clown. He even entered a circus school . Fans of his talent will probably now breathe a sigh of relief because Cassel dropped out of school. By the way, the actor himself is also very happy about this. “Thank God, I had the sense to leave it [school]. Otherwise, an evil and dangerous clown would be sitting in front of you right now. Angry because disappointed ,” said Vincent. But he still mastered the craft of an acrobat. Cassel even performed at street shows at one time. Imagine walking down the street like this, and here Vincent Cassel is juggling oranges. Incredible!

Vincent Cassel had a strict upbringing. He studied at a Catholic school , where the rules were not the most loyal. But the actor grew up as a person who is tolerant of all religions. By the way, his father was a Protestant, his grandfather professed Judaism, his grandmother professed Orthodoxy, and many of his acquaintances professed Islam. It was at this interfaith crossroads that Vincent Cassel grew up.

By the way, the actor’s surname Kassel is not real, but borrowed. This was the pseudonym of Vincent’s father, also an actor. The family’s real surname is Crochon. Vincent Crochon . Yes, it sounds very unusual.

When the idea of ​​a circus career failed, Vincent set off to conquer New York. But the boy turned out to be not really needed by anyone there. He had to portray living statues on the streets – alas, he was not offered any other job. The guy was not happy with this arrangement. So he returned back to France. There, Kassel became interested in theater, although his father was against it at first.

Bad guy Vincent and the Russian mafia

The way Vincent Cassel affects the viewer is called negative charm. It was because of him that the actor always got the roles of bad guys so disgusting that the viewer shuddered. There was a time when directors saw Vincent exclusively as Russian bad guys – all sorts of brutal scoundrels and mafiosi . In the film “Birthday Girl,” Vincent played Alexei, a Russian gangster. He got a similar role in the film “Vice for Export.” There he embodied the neurasthenic Kirill, an unbalanced scoundrel. But the difficulty for Vincent was primarily caused not by the play of such characters itself, but by the fact that he needed to speak Russian, preferably without an accent.

“I think I stuck with this role because I’m good at acting angry . I can look very cruel. I just have that face. I even enjoy getting crazy when I play… I like crazy people. And even more I like madmen who know how to control their own destiny ,” Vincent Cassel once admitted in an interview.

Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci, “some kind of lingerie model”

When Vincent and Monica first got together as colleagues, it was a disaster. Vincent behaved as if he were almighty Zeus, and everyone around him was servants. Monica Bellucci was then supposed to become Vincent’s partner in the film. And he, just imagine, threw a scandal at the director, saying, why should I play with some underwear model? And then “some model” became the wife of Vincent Cassel.

An interesting fact is also connected with this. No matter how it may sound, Vincent was helped to marry Monica by the accident he got into. Before this, the couple met, but mostly they were at a distance, because Monica lived in Italy, and Vincent lived in France. The Italian beauty was in no hurry to move or get married. She changed her plans after the accident with Vincent. Then Monica agreed to become his wife.

“Monica was my first true love,” said Vincent. He did not deny that before he met her, he was a rake , he jumped from girl to girl, and his relationships lasted literally for a couple of months. Honestly, even after his marriage to Monica Bellucci, there were more than once rumors that Vincent was not faithful to his wife. Anything is possible, because none of the couple revealed the reasons for the separation.

Relationship with Tina Kunaki

Two years after breaking up with Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel met the young model Tina Kunaki. She was 18, he was 49. The age difference, of course, is impressive, but, as they say, all ages are submissive to love. The couple got married in 2018. The couple look very happy. True, Tina is now and then compared to Monica Bellucci .

Do you know anything else interesting about Vincent? Share the facts in the comments!