
What Kate Middleton is hiding. What facts about her do not even loyal fans know?

Sometimes it seems that we know almost everything about the beautiful wife of Prince William. And she has already become a dear little person for us, about whom we write with great pleasure. However, today we propose to focus not on Catherine the Duchess, but on a simple Kate woman, a loving wife and caring mother.

On January 9, the august beauty celebrated her 39th birthday. In honor of the joyful event, we have collected interesting facts about Kate Middleton that will show the duchess from an unexpected side. We are sure that you will want to adopt some of her habits!

Little-known facts about Kate Middleton

When it comes to celebrating a royal birthday, what comes to mind is a grand feast. But representatives of the British royal family prefer family gatherings to loud celebrations and elegant banquets . And Katherine was no exception.

It’s hard to believe, but the beauty celebrated her 39th birthday over a cup of tea . And among the guests invited to the tea party were only 38-year-old husband William and three children: 7-year-old George, 5-year-old Charlotte and 2-year-old Louis.

Where did the scars on the Duchess’ head come from?

Even as a student, Katherine was famous for her love of sports, and among students at the University of St. Andrews she was one of the best high jumpers . So, her personal record is 1.5 meters. Very nice!

In addition, there are rumors that Prince William’s wife is a certified diver . And after undergoing special training, the Duchess learned to dive to a depth of 30 meters! It’s no surprise that her overuse of sports led to three scars on her head.

Allergies to favorite animals of the royal court

Ascot horse racing is one of the most highly anticipated annual events in the UK. After all, this is where you can meet representatives of the royal family. But not Kate. According to Australian writer Katie Lett, the Duchess is allergic to horses . That’s why she allows herself to miss the famous royal races from time to time.

Instead of an ordinary horse – a two-wheeled one

With the advent of fame and fame, Katherine had to give up her favorite mode of transport – a bicycle . But this two-wheeled friend accompanied the beauty throughout all her pre-royal years. However, sometimes the Duchess does travel along the paths and paths of the country. But this does not happen as often as we would like – only during vacation.

Funny nickname

Even during her school years, Katherine was given an unusual nickname – Squeaker . And all because she often dragged her beloved guinea pig, to which she gave this name. It is noteworthy that when William wants to take revenge on his wife for his funny nickname , he calls her exactly that. Well, two boots are a match!

How Kate spends her free time

If Katherine were asked to recommend a movie for an evening viewing, it would definitely be the movie “Cocktail” with the young and beautiful Tom Cruise . Speaking of TV series, her personal rating opens with “Downton Abbey”, “One Tree Hill” and “Homeland”.

The Duchess also loves cooking and often delights the children with delicacies. Despite the fact that Kate adheres to proper nutrition, she cannot deny her heirs her favorite junk food – pizza. But instead of pepperoni, she always, without exception, uses bacon. Well, the Duchess’s signature delicacy is strawberry and plum jam.

The secret of slimness and beauty

Katherine helps fight inflammation on her face with rosehip oil , which she mixes with her day cream. She owes her slimness and thin waist to her morning dose of vitamins contained in green juice . This includes lettuce, blueberry juice, spinach, cilantro and cauliflower.

Well, in order to keep her chiseled figure in good shape, the Duchess regularly stands in the plank . So, first she does a stand on her elbows, then a side one and alternately supporting herself on one hand – and so on 10 times for 45 seconds. An example to follow!

Fans of the birthday girl did not miss the opportunity to congratulate their idol and showered Kate with congratulations online. The beauty responded to the warm congratulations on her Instagram, leaving an important message for her fans : “Thank you everyone for your good wishes! Birthday celebrations have been different in recent months and our thoughts continue to be with those working on the front line during these uncertain times . ” Queen!