
What Enrique Iglesias’s older brother Julio and his beautiful wife look like.

Despite the fact that 77-year-old Spanish singer Julio Iglesias has 9 children , the name of only one heir is most often heard in the press. We are talking about 45-year-old Enrique Iglesias , who decided to continue his father’s work and was right! More than a dozen years have passed, but he is still loved and adored, listening to both new and old songs to the gills.

The same cannot be said about his older brother, 47-year-old Julio Jr. , who was never able to reach the musical Olympus. But the singer does not lose heart, because in addition to his relationship with his star brother and father, he has something to be proud of. And today we will tell you more about this.

What Enrique Iglesias’s older brother Julio and his beautiful wife look like

Perhaps now it would not be Enrique who would be basking in the glory, but his older brother. However, Julio Jr. did not immediately decide to become a singer, starting his thorny path with the modeling business . It would seem that the lucky owner of a bright appearance and inexhaustible charisma has a direct path to the world’s catwalks and covers. True, he did not take into account that a model’s career is quite short and fleeting.

Was a model, actor and even a journalist

Nevertheless, Julio Jr., during his relatively short stay in the fashion industry, managed to star in a Versace commercial, take part in “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and walk in fashion shows for John Bartlett. Then he became an actor, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Soon the Spanish macho became interested in journalism. Once again catching himself thinking that this was not his, the guy finally picked up the microphone .

In my father’s footsteps

Julio Jr. has said more than once that he has been a musician for as long as he can remember . After all, his eminent father took him to his concerts and taught him to perform long before the heir went to school. Therefore, no one was surprised when the star’s son expressed a desire to devote himself entirely to music. In addition, the younger brother’s career took off. Undoubtedly, this was the impetus for starting my own musical path.

Grateful to Russian fans

Julio Jr.’s discography, although relatively small, is very multifaceted. Fortunately, several of the singer’s albums found their listeners, or rather, sincere listeners. And, perhaps, one of the performer’s earliest and most numerous fan bases are fans from Russia .

Like Enrique, Julio is a great connoisseur of female beauty. According to the hot Spaniard, “the most beautiful girls live in Russia . ” “Once upon a time I even wanted to marry a Russian , ” the singer admitted. But, alas, the idea was borrowed by the younger brother.

Like my brother, I fell in love with a blonde

It seems that the Iglesias brothers have the same type – slender blondes with light eyes and a radiant smile. So who is she, this life partner of Julio Jr.? Let’s start with the fact that her name is Charisse Verhart . The beauty comes from Belgium. When the beauty was only 15 years old, she was noticed by a scout from a modeling agency. Since then, Charisse has been successfully engaged in modeling.

They have been married for 8 years, but have not acquired heirs

The lovers have been together since the early 2000s, but got married only in 2012. According to Julio, he always knew that Charisse would be the only woman he would walk down the aisle with. Despite the fact that the singer has repeatedly stated that he wants to become a father of many children , they do not have children yet. Therefore, for now the singer has to be content with spending time with his nephews.

Star spouses – just a sight for sore eyes! Admit it, who do you like better, your older brother or your little brother? We are waiting for your answer in the comments!