Moore shared a photo of her ex-husband, film star Willis who suffers aphasia
The incredible and heartbreaking news that iconic film star B. Willis was obliged to out an end to his successful acting career in the film industry because of an incurable disease he suffers called aphasia left his followers speechless. The legendary man’s condition has a great impact on his memory as well as speaking abilities which led him to announce his retirement leaving his loyal fans in tears and sorrow. Since the film star now has poor memory, he can’t properly memorize the script of films and sometimes needs others’ assistance. Currently, the praiseworthy actor is accompanied with his beloved family.
Even his ex-wife D. Moore rushed to make the actor happy and, as we can see in the following photos, Bruce smiles hiding his emotions. “This actually means he is currently in a terrible condition”, “I can’t hold back my tears while witnessing this”, “I wish you strong health and quick recovery”, “I am so sorry. He is my most favorite film star”.
“We are looking forward to positive changes”, “What devoted family the actor has”, “We pray for you, Willis”.
Let’s hope the iconic actor will soon feel much better!
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