Roberts’s powerful message able to destroy all standards of beauty
One of the most successful, stunning and world famous Hollywood celebrities, Julia Roberts, shared her sensational message which is able to radically change everything, particularly concerning today’s standards of beauty. The gorgeous actress convinces us to stop trying to meet all the demands and correspond to all beauty standards. She encourages us to take into account the things and values of real importance rather than the standards of beauty.
“The idea of looking ideal is a disease for many women nowadays. They use botox, beauty injections, plastic surgeries and tones of makeup and beauty products every single day that people around them and they themselves don’t ever remember how they actually look anymore. But there is one thing much more important and in need to be taken good care of, that is our soul. It is high time to get down to work on our spiritual selves and self-development. I simply want to say that if your soul is dirty or empty, no matter how good and gorgeous you look outside. Today, the whole world takes a great interest in and merely focuses on people’s appearance which is totally wrong and unfair.
To be honest, I am totally exhausted of this situation. And I am telling myself to stop this chaos right now. Your appearance and outlook is the last thing people should care about.
The thing that truly matter is your soul.”
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