
«The Cambodian child adopted by Jolie»: This is how Maddox, the boy adopted by Jolie from Cambodia 21 years ago has changed

Here is Maddox, a Cambodian boy adopted by Jolie 21 years ago: Then and Now

The first time legendary and praiseworthy Hollywood actress Jolie became a foster mother was in 2001, the time when the iconic star was still married to B. Bob Thornton with whom she had two kids.

At that time, the outstanding actress was already actively engaged in charity projects and organizations and soon appeared in Cambodia where the iconic woman was fortunate enough to meet this absolutely adorable 7-year-old child named Rat Vibol.

Since that moment, the little boy became the new member of their family and when the spouses broke up, the movie star remained the only one responsible for the adopted baby. After some time, the incredibly talented film star married B. Pitt who became the official father of Rat whose name was soon changed into Maddox Jolie Pitt.

As we all certainly know, Jolie has always been a responsible, dedicated and caring mother whose children grew up surrounded in parental love, constant care and uninterrupted attention.

Currently, the Cambodian boy is already 21, has an absolutely unique style, excellently plays the guitar and fluently speaks three languages.

When the legendary couple broke up, Maddox deliberately stayed by his beloved mother’s side with whom he is still the closest friends.

It is worth mentioning that the boy is currently studying at the Korean University Yonsei at the faculty of Bioengineering.

It is relevant to mention that according to some rumors, the iconic movie star already has a will and inherited her whole property to Maddox.