
Sharon Stone secretly adopted the child of a deceased friend.

Actress Sharon Stone, famous for her roles in many films, including the cult “Basic Instinct,” always dreamed of a large and strong family. Sharon herself was not lucky with this – she had a difficult childhood. It didn’t get any easier. The actress had nine miscarriages. Due to health problems, the celebrity was never able to give birth to a child on her own. Nevertheless, Sharon made her dream of a family come true. She adopted three children. And recently it became known that the actress already has four sons! Sharon Stone secretly adopted a child – another boy. This is a touching story that shows Sharon as a person with a huge heart.

Sharon Stone secretly adopted a child

Until recently, 64-year-old Sharon Stone was considered a happy mother of three adopted children. She took Rohan, Laird and Quinn from the orphanage at one time. The eldest is now 22 years old, the middle one is 17, and the youngest is 16. But it turned out that Sharon now has four children . She did not advertise the information that she had recently adopted another boy. This happened a year ago.

The new member of the Stone family is a friend of the actress’s eldest son. His father had Parkinson’s disease. The man died, and his son remained an orphan . Even before the tragic event, Sharon supported her friends’ family in every possible way. And then I decided to adopt the guy, take him into my family and give him a new home.

Big friendly family

Insiders told the Daily Mail that Sharon now lives with her adopted children in harmony and understanding . “Now they live as one big family in her house. Sharon had a difficult childhood, and she always dreamed of a real family – exactly the kind she wanted to have as a child,” say people close to the Stone family.

Sharon adopted her first child in 2000. She was then married to journalist Phil Bronstein. Five years later, the actress decided to take another child. By the way, then she went at it alone, without her husband . A year later, Stone, already experienced in this matter, also accepted little Quinn into her friendly family.

Sharon tries to give as much love as possible to her children . The actress recently posted a cute photo online that was taken many years ago. The photo shows her boys on bicycles posing in front of a Christmas tree . There are many gifts under the tree. The actress’s sons are happy in the photo, their smiles look so sincere. Sharon was able to give them a wonderful childhood and the opportunity to build the same life in the future.

Five years ago, Sharon Stone even received a special award – “Mom of the Year.” This is truly deserved.