
“It’s time to say goodbye.” Megan Fox lost her baby.

As you probably know, not all of us can boast of worldwide popularity and the ability to change our appearance at the snap of our fingers. Alas, this does not in any way protect star women from losing a child. For example, it became known that Megan Fox recently suffered a miscarriage. What the actress said and how her lover reacted to this situation, you will find out with us in the next couple of minutes.

Megan Fox suffered_a_miscarriage

The summer of 2023 was distinguished by one interesting event. You see, the star of the blockbuster “Transformers” has retrained as a poet. The thing is that Megan Fox released_a_collection of her own poems called “Beautiful Boys Are Poisonous.” And, of course, in her works the actress openly spoke about her experiences in her life.

But, of course, today we will talk about only one of them. After all, as it turned out, Megan Fox suffered a_miscarriage. The exact numbers are not known. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that this tragedy occurred between the summer of 2020 and March 2022. The last date is not accidental. But more on that a little later.

As for the pregnancy itself, Megan was already in her third month. Moreover, thanks to the poem, it turned out that the actress_and_her_lover_Colson Baker (better known as rapper_Machine_Gun_Kelly) could have a girl.

“I can imagine holding you to my chest.”

“On your_side of the_bed_is the ultrasound_result, a whole ten_weeks and_one_day. Do you think_that if she_could, she would_have_left_us a farewell_letter? It’s time_to_say_goodbye. I close my_eyes and imagine_holding_you to my chest as you are ripped_out_of_me. I would_pay_any_price, just tell me, what is the ransom_for_her_soul?  – Megan Fox writes with pain in her chest about her loss.

The celebrity shared her experiences in two poems at the end of the book. It is worth noting that the supplement also included illustrations of a mother holding a baby. And, of course, one can only imagine the pain Megan experiences every time she remembers what happened.

But let’s go back to March 2022. The thing is that it was then that beloved Fox released a video for the song “Twin Flame”. The rapper’s fans couldn’t help but notice that the sound of an ultrasound machine was clearly audible in the recording. Netizens believe that in this way the performer said goodbye to the unborn girl. Later, he performed with her at the award, where he admitted that he dedicated the song to his beloved and unborn_baby.