
How Schwarzenegger feels about the housekeeper who gave birth to his son.

As you probably know, Iron Arnie’s infidelity with his housekeeper, who later bore him a son, destroyed his marriage to Maria Shriver. By the way, this union lasted 25 years. But few people know about the subsequent relationship between the actor and his mistress. In the next few minutes, we will tell you whether Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena are communicating today and what new details have become known thanks to insiders.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena

It’s probably worth noting right away that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena do not communicate at all. Interestingly, there are reasons for this. For example, it is worth first of all noting the fact that cheating with a housekeeper destroyed the actor’s 25-year-old marriage. Although Maria Shriver filed for divorce in 2011, all issues were officially settled only 10 years later.

The second reason is quite simple. According to an insider who told the Daily Mail , “it was a one-night stand.” Of course, the Hollywood blockbuster star could not help but take responsibility for what happened. In addition, his illegitimate son Joseph was born just a few days after his legal wife gave birth to his fourth child.

“Arnold took responsibility for what happened. But he doesn’t communicate with her, he just left. The situation was not ideal and caused many problems. Nevertheless, the actor loves his son. Arnold is not going to fight fate. She is who she is. Although there is no relationship with Mildred, he has no enmity towards her,” sources share in a conversation with reporters.

“I’ll have to live with this for the rest of my life.”

Moreover, Schwarzenegger respects Mildred as the mother of one of his offspring. They don’t see each other, don’t communicate. But, interestingly, a man always finds out how she is doing in a conversation with Joseph . In addition, as you probably know, it is the love of sports and bodybuilding that connects Arnold with his illegitimate son.

However, one cannot deny the fact that affection for Joseph and willingness to help him in any matter are associated with feelings of guilt. After all, Schwarzenegger himself has repeatedly stated that he incredibly regrets the pain that he brought to his wife and children. It is quite possible that the man feels the same way about his former housekeeper, who, according to rumors, also went through a divorce.

“People will remember my achievements. But my failures and mistakes will also not go unnoticed. It was a very hard blow to my marriage, to my relationship with my children. I caused a lot of pain to my family. I’ll have to live with this for the rest of my life,” Iron Arnie admitted in one of his interviews.