
How did the relationship develop between Brigitte Bardot and her only son, whom she abandoned?

Even while pregnant, Bardot continued to receive film offers. Hearing about the opportunity to play in the film “Truth,” the beauty was overjoyed. She believed that the dramatic role would advance her career. However, the husband opposed this idea. He flew into a rage and tore the script to shreds and then locked his wife in the room.

Then the actress decided to take a rash act. Out of resentment and despair, she drank all the sleeping pills in the house . “I dreamed of freedom in every sense of the word. But no matter how much I wanted, I couldn’t free myself. I was a prisoner: my fame, Jacques’s domineering nature, my body, my face and my child ,” Brigitte explained her decision to take her own life.

Fortunately, doctors managed to save both the actress and her baby . At the same time, the feuds with her husband continued. One day, pregnant Bardot wanted to go to a beauty salon to get herself and her hair in order. But her husband flatly refused to let her leave the house. A conflict began, as a result of which Jacques hit Brigitte . Unable to stay on her feet, the actress fell and hit her back. Subsequently, she suffered from pain in her side all her life.

Birth of a baby

Due to the influx of journalists, even the star gave birth at home. For this purpose, maternity wards were equipped in one of the rooms. On the night of January 11, 1960, baby Nicolas was born. At the same moment, the actress ordered her son to be taken away, promising herself never to give birth again: “I rejected my child! He was like a tumor that was feeding on my body . And I was looking forward to the blissful moment when I would finally be freed from her . ”

Even after the birth of the baby, Brigitte’s maternal instincts did not awaken . She hated married life with Jacques, and caring for her son was a burden to her. The broken star sought solace in the arms of her partner in the film “The Truth.” Her husband found out about the actress’s affair with Sami Frey. He demanded a divorce and said that he would raise his son himself. Well, Bardo was only happy about it. It seemed to her that life was finally getting better.

So dear, but completely strangers

Rare meetings with his mother were more likely to traumatize than to please Nicolas. So, at the age of 12, the boy came to stay with her for a while. Despite the warm greeting, Brigitte soon sent her son back home . She explained this by saying that guests were coming to the estate for a social reception. Since then, he communicated with his mother with great reluctance.

Afterwards, Brigitte really regretted what she had done. The film star blamed herself for causing irreparable psychological trauma to her only child. She tried in every possible way to earn her son’s forgiveness, but it was too late . Despite his mother’s cold attitude, Nicolas grew up to be a worthy man. He studied to become an economist, studied music, and even tried himself as a fashion model. At one of the shows, Charrier met the Norwegian model and daughter of a diplomat, Anne-Lyn Bjerkan . They soon got married, but the groom did not invite his mother to the wedding, for which she was very offended.

How Brigitte and her son Nicolas live today

As time went. Nicolas and Anne had two beautiful daughters: Anna Camilla and Thea Josephine . Moreover, Brigitte Bardot’s son even has grandchildren! In the end, the man forgave his mother and built a more or less normal relationship with her. But they communicate quite rarely. “The thing is, she loves her seals, and I love my family ,” Charrier explained.

After finishing her career, the ex-actress devoted herself to fighting for animal rights . Thanks to her famous name, she ensured that butchers in France slaughtered livestock in a more humane way. Brigitte also created a charitable foundation that saves rare species of animals.

According to Bardot, animals have always been closer to her than people . She now lives almost as a recluse in a mansion with her fourth husband, Bernard d’Ormal, surrounded by nine dogs and six cats. She also continues to deal with issues of protecting our little brothers.