The incredible similarity between Kunakey’s mother and Bellucci hit the network
Since little is known about the family of a successful and popular model and the wife of French actor V. Cassel, the photos of Kunakey’s parents literally hit the network without letting anyone remain indifferent. The charming model, the second wife of the film star, was born to a family of an Italian and a native of Togo. It should be noted that once Kunakey’s mother’s photos were published, they immediately caused a stir and many rushed to compare her with the ex-wife of the French actor.
“The exact copy of the French actor’s ex-wife”, “What a paradox”, “Tina doesn’t have much in common with her mother”, “Am I the only one who sees an incredible resemblance between her and Bellucii?”.
“What a gorgeous woman, wow!”, “An indescribable beauty”.
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Do you think they actually look like each other?
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