This is how Ira Brown, the little girl with doll appearance has changed over time
Here is Ira Brown who, thanks to her absolutely unique and incredibly beautiful appearance, has been titled the most beautiful girl on Earth. Already at the age of 2, Ira gained overall fame and recognition owing to her charm and big sky-blue eyes.
When her mother realized that her heiress possessed unique and rare beauty, she rushed to show her off and millions immediately got interested in little Ira. Regardless of such a young age, Ira started to work as a model under her mother’s supervision.
The charming girl with doll appearance is now 14 and only her childhood photos provide evidence that it is actually one and the same girl then and now.
«I can’t see anything unique here», «Mom deprived her of carefree childhood years», «She could have had a better life now», «She no longer resembles a doll».
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