
Happy together: This unordinary large family lives in an old restored school bus

This unusual family lives in a school bus and is absolutely happy

In America and some parts of Europe, Vanlife(life in buses) is a totally normal and common lifestyle. On social media, many families who are for living in buses, regularly share their own experiences and challenges they faced while getting used to this lifestyle.

One family from America decided to radically change their lifestyle being inspired by their fascinating experiences and an unusual and, at the same time, attractive way of life.

Several years ago, Adam appeared in big troubles and had many difficulties. At that time, his beloved wife was on maternity leave with their two little kids. They had very little money and Adam couldn’t stabilize his financial issues. But the things have radically changed for the better.

Exactly in the course of facing difficulties, a creative idea, that is to move into a restored bus, crossed Adam’s mind. He was actually encouraged and motivated by one Englishman living in a bus and Adam suggested that they should undoubtedly try it though that seemed rather risky and challenging. And soon they started to make their dream into reality.

They only paid one thousand dollars for that old school bus which first looked rather out-of-date and unattractive.

The couple joined their power and creativity and managed to turn that dull old place into a modern and comfortable home. They began to travel and admire beautiful places in America they had no idea about before.

This fatal decision prevented them from getting divorced and they gained a completely new and happy life together.

The family’s life is now much more interesting, full of emotions and joy. Previously, they had little money to pay rents and couldn’t afford many things they wanted but now, the situation has changed.

The spouses go shopping twice a month and now they have much more time to take part in their children’s upbringing. The family hopes they will always travel and never face problems as they did before.

Are you for or against life in buses? Share your opinions!