
Feel old. What the beautiful daughter of Bella and Edward from Twilight looks like now.

More than ten years have passed since the release of the first films of the vampire saga “Twilight” . Eh, I remember these heated debates about who is cooler: Edward or Jacob. The girls simply disappeared for hours reading the books of the saga, and how everyone was waiting for the release of each of the five parts of Twilight. Of course, the main topic of discussion was the love of Bella and Edward, played by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Now these actors can often be seen on screens in various famous projects. What happened to the rest of the heroes of the Twilight saga? Today we’ll talk about the youngest heroine – the daughter of Edward and Bella Renesmee, who, by the way, is already 21 years old in real life. She was played in the saga by the young actress Mackenzie Foy.

What Mackenzie Foy, who played Renesmee in the Twilight saga, looks like now

Young Mackenzie was only 11 years old when she was lucky enough to get a role in a popular project – a series of fantasy films with a vampire theme. Finding an actress who would embody Renesmee on screen was still a challenge. After all, in the book, Edward and Bella’s daughter is described as unrealistically beautiful. In addition, according to the plot, she should grow up very quickly: here she looks like a one-year-old child, but now she’s already at least sent to school. This problem was dealt with using special effects. As for beauty, we had to be content with what nature gave Mackenzie Foy. Although the girl really was just a sight for sore eyes.

We don’t always notice how quickly time flies. But when you look at the children who seemed to be just about running around on playgrounds, and are now already studying at universities, then someone may have a panic attack. Same with Mackenzie Foy. We remember her as the beautiful little girl from Twilight, but in fact the actress recently turned 21.

Mackenzie has changed a lot lately . Previously, it was as if she was in the image of Renesmee, whom she played. But then, apparently, a turning point came and the girl moved away from the image that brought her popularity. Nevertheless, the actress looks great. She is proud of her natural beauty and does not try to fit herself into beauty standards with plump lips, perfect noses and prominent cheekbones.

What does Mackenzie Foy do and what films can she be seen in?

After the role of Renesmee, the actress continued her acting career. True, today there are not as many film works on her list as fans would like. After the Twilight saga, Mackenzie Foy appeared in the famous Interstellar . There she played the main character, only in her youth. In 2018, “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms” was released with her participation , where Foy played Clara. And two years later, Mackenzie delighted fans with her role in the children’s adventure film Black Beauty.

Cinema is not the only thing that Mackenzie Foy is involved in. She is very popular on social networks . For example, almost 2 million users follow the beauty on Instagram. She collaborates with fashion brands. McKenzie is often invited to advertise new collections. Also, partly taking advantage of her popularity, Mackenzie directs it in a useful direction. The girl participates in the initiative The Wild Beauty Foundation . WBF strives to introduce people to wild and domestic horses through film, education, and awareness. By the way, the film “Black Beauty” is just about horses.

Well, has Mackenzie Foy changed a lot since she played little Renesmee? Do you like the actress? Would you like to see her on screens more often?