
Famous ladies who had plastic surgery and did not regret it.

This pretty girl in the photo is Norma Jeane Mortenson. So far, she is no different from her peers – ordinary curly hair, slightly chubby cheeks, a potato nose and a mischievous look. In this photo, Norma does not yet know that in the future she will become the most attractive woman of her era. And they will know her under the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe.

But in order to achieve deafening fame, the beauty had to work hard on her appearance. This became known when, at one of the recent auctions, a lot with data from the clinic where the star “tweaked” her face was presented. This was also confirmed by an x-ray of Marilyn’s skull taken by FBI agents after her sad fate. By the way, it was with Monroe that the real boom in plastic surgery in Hollywood began.

Demmy Moor

The actress admits that she didn’t like herself in her youth. As a teenager, she had a lot of complexes about strabismus. Then she was bothered by her chubby cheeks and wide nose. In the end, Demi decided to seek the help of a plastic surgeon with a request to correct her face.

The fruits of his labors can be seen in the film “Ghost”, where the beauty got the main female role. Since then, the actress has been tightening and trimming here and there, for which people have called her a “victim of plastic surgery.” However, the star herself assures that the problem is not plastic surgery, but poor makeup and poor lighting.

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood actress has always received compliments on her appearance. There is no doubt that nature has rewarded her with beauty in full. However, neither external data nor family connections helped the young girl break into the world of cinema. She was sure that her plump face and imperfect nose were to blame. Everything changed after a visit to a plastic surgeon.

Commercial offers began to pour in on Angie, and she began to appear on screens more and more often. Soon the beauty completely surpassed her star brother and father in terms of fees. Now the actress is number one to follow. And millions of women come to plastic surgery clinics, dreaming of making lips, nose and cheekbones “like Jolie’s.”

Pamela Anderson

When it comes to plastic surgery, which helped the girl become famous, Pamela is one of the first to come to mind. Pamela has always had a pleasant appearance and good shape. However, this seemed to her not enough. Therefore, she hastened to spend her first royalties from advertising at a plastic surgery clinic.

Anderson had her lips enlarged and her breasts made three sizes larger. And, it seems, for good reason. Soon she was invited to the filming of “Baywatch,” after which incredible success befell the beauty. Millions of men wanted to get her, and women gave incredible amounts of money for the exciting forms, like the actress.

Jennifer Aniston

Some people radically change their appearance and easily endure surgery, while others make minor changes and face big problems. The latter includes the star of the TV series “Friends”. If you compare the current Jen with the one who looked at us from the screens in the first seasons, you can see the surgeon’s jewelry work. It is obvious that the beauty slightly enlarged her lips and straightened her nose.

The actress was delighted with the new nose. However, very soon the joy turned into disappointment: Aniston found it difficult to breathe. The star again had to go under the knife to start breathing deeply again. Fortunately, the operation was successful. Now the whole world admires the actress’s face. It would seem like one operation – but so many problems!

Megan Fox

This is one of the rare cases when a plastic surgeon managed to make a star out of a client. Moreover, Megan herself is not at all embarrassed by the fact that her appearance is the product of plastic surgery. Despite the fact that Fox was always a beauty, even with thin lips and an uneven nose, just a pretty face was not enough for a big movie.

What Megan didn’t do: her nose, her lips, her cheekbones, her chest, and even her chin. She also regularly injects Botox so that not a single wrinkle spoils her dream appearance. And it seems that there is practically nothing left of the old Fox. However, this does not bother the actress herself, on the contrary. But the fans are seriously scared. After all, now the beauty cannot stop, gradually turning into a wax version of herself.

Some stars benefit from plastic surgery and help them shine even brighter, but for others it puts an end to their careers forever . Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict the outcome. Is it worth the risk in this case, do you think? We are waiting for your answer in the comments!