
Did Rossi de Palma’s children inherit her extraordinary appearance?

This charismatic actress burst into the world of cinema, smashing our perception of beauty to smithereens. And then I managed to repeat it in the fashion world. But did Rossi de Palma’s daughter inherit the extraordinary appearance that made her mother famous?

21-year-old Luna Lyon long ago decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps. We haven’t had a chance to see her in the cinema yet. But the girl has already acted as a model several times . But she is very far from her mother’s unique beauty.

Rossi de Palma became famous for her flamboyance and eccentricity, in character, talent and, of course, in appearance. She never fit into the traditional concept of beauty. Therefore, all she had to do was conquer the beauty industry head-on.

Many people assume that such a charismatic woman must have a rich and varied personal life. But it was not there. All that is known about Rossi de Palma’s romantic relationships is that she lived with actor Santiago Lahoustisya for 8 years, and then left him for a mysterious Cuban named Ota.

Now the actress lives in France with her children, 21-year-old daughter Luna and 23-year-old son Gabriel. She did not reveal the name of their father, but fans have long speculated that Rossi gave birth to both children from that same mysterious Cuban lover.

Some with sympathy and apprehension, and some with sincere interest, but many fans of the artist expected that her children would be like her and their appearance would be no less extraordinary than that of the famous mother. But it seems that the paternal blood prevailed, because the son and daughter of Rossi de Palma looked very pretty and gentle from an early age.

In the faces of Rossi de Palma’s children, many of her features can be discerned. But my mother’s genetics are very harmoniously intertwined with the genes of my father, whoever he is, and the appearance of Luna and her brother looks much neater and closer to the classical concept of beauty than that of their parent.

Judging by Gabriel’s Instagram page, the guy is involved in music and fine arts. But he also sometimes participates in fashion photo shoots with his mother and sister. Well, the daughter of Rossi de Palma confidently follows in the footsteps of the actress herself. The young girl’s career is still at the start, but we are sure she will succeed in a lot.

Rossi quite often publishes pictures of her children and each time shares with her subscribers her boundless love for Gabriel and Luna. Although she is not a fan of flaunting her personal life, she is ready to support any endeavors of her children and will definitely help them realize themselves in life.