
Angelina Jolie faced hate because of her position on the war in Israel.

As it became known, Brad Pitt’s ex-wife ran into hate. And there was a good reason for this. You see, the other day Angelina Jolie, speaking about the war in Israel, devoted an entire post to the military conflict on her blog on Instagram . However, neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis agreed with the thoughts of the Hollywood actress . What angered both sides so much, you will find out with us in the next few minutes.

Angelina Jolie about the war in Israel

As you probably know, more and more public people are speaking out on the topic of the war in Israel. True, for their words, one of them has to say goodbye to their career, as happened with the Lebanese-born actress Mia Khalifa. But Greta Thunberg, after supporting Palestine, was completely removed from Israeli school textbooks. It is curious that this did not bother the young eco-activist in any way.

Now Brad Pitt’s ex-wife has decided to share her opinion. However, neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis liked this. The fact is that Angelina Jolie, speaking about the war in Israel, criticized both the first and the second. Thus, according to the Hollywood actress, the Hamas_terrorist_attacks on Israel made her incredibly angry. However, at the same time, the celebrity does not find justification for the Israeli retaliatory strikes against the civilian population of Gaza.

“ What happened in Israel is a terrorist act. But it cannot justify the loss of innocent lives by shelling of civilians in Gaza_who_have_nowhere_to_go and no_access_to_food or water. There is no_possibility_of_evacuation or even a basic_right to cross_the_border to seek asylum,” says Jolie .

“All Lives Matter”

The Maleficent star, in her publication dedicated to the war in Israel, also emphasized the emergence of a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Angelina , in turn, wants with all her might to stop what is happening. After all, according to her, more than two million people have been living under blockade for two decades. And those few supplies of aid cover only part of what is needed.

In conclusion, Pitt’s ex-lover stated that “the lives of Palestinians and Israelis, like_the_lives of all_people_around the world, have the same_value.” Alas, as noted earlier, not all Internet users liked Jolie’s position. After all, the Palestinians do not understand why the actress calls their actions terrorism. The Israelis, in turn, do not share Angelina’s compassion towards their enemies.

“Don’t stick your nose where you don’t understand anything,” “You’re playing some kind of games. Very disappointed with you. I’m unsubscribing,” “You were my inspiration_in_the_humanitarian field. But after the above statement, your inhumane neutral position, which is an act of bias, nothing inspires me anymore,” “ This is not the moment to be neutral ,” “20 years of working with refugees and you still can’t call it genocide ?

What do you think about this? Should Jolie really have remained silent? Or is the actress right when she says that all lives matter? Write your opinion in the comments.