De Armas went to Monroe’s grave to ask permission from her to play her role
It is worth mentioning that legendary and irreplaceable Monroe, regrettably, passed away 60 years ago leaving the huge army of her loyal fans and relatives in tears and sorrow. Though many years have already passed, Monroe still remains the most iconic actresses of all times and her image still warms people’s hearts.
Millions still consider her a true icon of femininity and style and the films depicting the cult star’s life don’t cease to amuse and delight on-viewers from all over the world.
Everyone was pleasantly surprised with talented de Armas’s role portraying the legendary woman in a movie, whereas the actress shared some unusual and surprising moments that took place during the filming.
Armas, believe it or not, clearly felt the existence of the cult woman on the set and also revealed a secret which helped her a lot star in the film.
As the actress mentioned, she worked really hard and diligently for a year to be completely ready and well-prepared for the iconic role.
Before the set, the whole staff and her went to her grave and Armas left a note on her graveyard asking permission from her to play her role, however astonishing it could seem.
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