Neither haters nor fans could remain silent and not to comment on Jolie’s new lips👀👀👀
Millions of people across the world consider her the most beautiful woman and this is, of course, for some reason. However, she donated many of her organs because of her fear for cancer as a result of which she has lost much weight.
Even the loyal fans hold the opinion that the Hollywood icon is no more the same and looks unhealthily thin. It is now hard to call her the prettiest woman alive, don’t you think so?
«What happened to the world’s most beautiful female?», «She ceased to be a prime example for people worldwide», «Completely went mad!», «Isn’t it time to see a psychiatrist?», «She looks like a walking skeleton with injected lips».
«Envy silently! She will never stop being the best», «Mind your business, people!», «Nothing on Earth can ruin her angelic beauty!», «Most importantly, she is healthy and nothing threatens her well-being».
( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
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