Meet the smallest model in the world who, believe it or not, is only 134 cm
Here is Asta Young, a charming resident in Hong Kong who is often called “Thumberlina in real life”. It should be noted that the absolutely unique girl, however surprising it might seem, is only 134 cm tall.
While attending school, Asia always faced criticism towards her. None of her classmates and peers missed a single chance to mock and laugh at her because of her unusually short height.
In the course of time, the poor girl became reserved, isolated and aloof from the others. Even after graduating and finding an appropriate job, Asta still remained the same introverted person who suffered many insecurities.
However, after some time, she determined to change her mind and the overall outlook on this life. Asta managed to overcome her insecurities and complexes finally learning to love and accept herself.
She always had a cherished dream to cosplay which stimulated and highly motivated her to chase her goals and become the better version of herself. These fantastic photos didn’t let anyone stay indifferent and she soon became overall-known.
Asta succeeded in “coming out of her shell” and was ready to charm the world with her beauty and femininity.
Currently, the girl lives in the US with her husband who literally adores her the way she is. Asta’s obsession with cosplaying remained till today.
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