
“Officially 20 most attractive men alive”: How the most handsome men selected by People magazine have changed

Try not to fall in love: Here are the hottest men according to the magazine People

People magazine has been selecting the 20 most attractive and handsome men alive since 1985. However subjective and individual this choice might be seen for different people, there is no denying that the majority would absolutely agree with the popular magazine’s selection since it is rather hard not to fall in love with them. It should be noted that it was Ch. Evans who brilliantly starred Captain America and has officially been titled the “absolute winner” in November, 2022. It is relevant to mention that these male celebrities have been selected between the years 1990 and 2022. Have a look at them and decide whether they have changed a lot since then or not.

Meet legendary T. Cruise in 1990

The “title” of the winner went to N. Nolte, 1992.

Here is the most handsome and passionate man officially selected in 1993.

And, what concerns 1994, K. Reeves was recognized the most attractive male celebrity of our time.

In 1997 the absolute winner became legendary G. Clooney.

What concerns H. Ford, he was declared to be the winner in 1998/

There is no denying that iconic actor B. Pitt deserved to become the winner in 2000.

Here is P. Brosnan photographed in 2001 and let’s look at him today!

Passionate J. Depp gained the honorable title in 2003.

In 2004, the most desirable man was J. Law. Has he changed beyond recognition?

Meet legendary M. McConaughey in the year 2005 and nowadays!

And here is M. Damon, officially selected the most attractive man in 2007.

Did you recognize H. Jackman? The legendary photo on the cover of the magazine in 2008.

R. Reynolds in 2010. Has the celebrity changed a lot over these years?

Meet Tatum recognized as the hottest man in 2012.

Of course, Ch. Hemsworth absolutely deserved the title of the most attractive man.

Iconic D. Beckham was selected in 2015.

D. Johnson appeared in the magazine as the most handsome male star in 2016.

Meet P. Rudd then and now! He hasn’t really changed within these years.

And here is this year’s absolute winner Chris Evans!

Do you think Evans really deserved the title? Whom do you find the most attractive?