
Why we love Johnny Depp: the best quotes from the Hollywood star.

The name Johnny Depp is now heard, as they say, from every teapot. And there are a number of very obvious reasons for this. Firstly, the actor became the first who not only gave battle to cancel culture, but also won. And secondly, Johnny has a huge army of fans, and for good reason. Depp is one of those actors who are loved not only for their roles, but also for their human qualities. After all, he was always “the guy,” especially compared to many modern stars. He is also a very interesting person, and as proof, we decided to collect the best quotes from Johnny Depp.

Best Johnny Depp Quotes

“Throughout my life, I have left a piece of my heart everywhere. And now I barely have enough to live on. But I squeeze out a smile, knowing that my ambitions have long exceeded the limit of my talent . ”

“If the choice is between “yes” or “no”, then “yes”! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And let it turn out to be nonsense, but at least they tried.”

“Music influences me a lot. There are some songs that, when I hear them, instantly take me back to certain moments in my life. There are songs that I can’t hear because they remind me of, say, the birth of my daughter or son. I can’t listen to them because I might burst into tears.”

“I do a lot of films for children because I want to give them positivity. On TV they show severed arms and legs due to terrorist attacks and politics, but children need love and happiness. When you grow up, the world breaks you down. It’s a miracle that we can still smile.”

“Anyone who has seen the birth of their child, as I did, will never doubt women’s strength. They are stronger than us. For them there is no nonsense – only the main thing. Life, children, freedom. They see no meaning in eternal life – they continue in children, and that’s enough. They are not conquerors – the world already belongs to them, because they are able to create new life.”

“I don’t speak French at all, all I can say in it is “I have a peanut in my belly button.” I think it’s cool to know things like this in different languages. When I meet someone who speaks only English, I usually teach them phrases like “Eat my shorts.” In German I can say “My father is a bullfighter” or “I am a watermelon.” This amuses me terribly.”

“It’s better to be a freak than a handsome guy who turns into a freak.” Sooner or later we will all get old, and if you associate your well-being with your appearance, you are mistaken in advance. If I had a choice, I’d rather have my head as a dummy that I could take off at the end of each day of filming.”

“Cool can mean a lot of things. I always thought being yourself was cool. Just the way it is. It’s so simple – that’s what it means to be cool. Patti Smith is awesome. Real. Iggy Pop is cool. Jim Morrison was cool and sincere. Marlon Brando, Hunter Thompson. You know, just today I talked to this guy, he works with children with HIV. With children who were taken from the orphanage. It’s so rewarding to help people in this way. He impressed me so much that we hugged. I have been working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for a long time and also communicated with these children. Their fate is not easy; they are forced to struggle with serious illnesses and pain. But in their eyes there is no fear, only courage and bravery. That’s what’s cool.”

Now it will be interesting to see if Amber Heard has made Johnny reconsider some of his own principles. But so far, from the little bits of the interview, it seems that the actor managed to get through even this with his head held high. This also inspires respect.