Some couples, even before the wedding, are faced with the question of what to do with their last names after marriage. Of course, most often the wife takes her husband’s surname – and that’s the end of it. Someone decides to take a double surname, and very rarely a husband can take his wife’s surname. After Brooklyn Beckham’s wedding to billionaire’s daughter Nicola Peltz, fans had little doubt that they would now become Mr. and Mrs. Beckham. But the son of Victoria and David managed to surprise the audience. Brooklyn Beckham took his wife’s last name and added it to his own. How the guy’s fans regarded this act, we’ll tell you further.
Why did Brooklyn Beckham take his wife’s last name?
Brooklyn Beckham’s wedding to Nicola Peltz took place on April 9 in Florida. Victoria Beckham, the mother of her newlyweds, immediately posted a photo with the newlyweds online and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Beckham. But it was not there! It turns out that they are no longer Mr. and Mrs. Beckham, but Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham and Nicola Peltz-Beckham . That is, both husband and wife decided to take double surnames after marriage.
A family lawyer commented on the situation
The happy spouses have already managed to change their last names on the Internet – at least on Instagram accounts. The decision to change the name caused a mixed reaction from the public. On the one hand, this is very progressive, but on the other hand, it violates the patriarchal traditions to which everyone is so accustomed. Based on the latter, family lawyer Amy Faweather commented on the situation. The specialist believes that even in modern society such a decision may not only not be welcomed, but even cause condemnation.
The lawyer believes that society is not yet ready to adequately respond to the fact that a man can take a double surname or even just a woman’s surname. Amy Faweather emphasizes that it will take another 10–20 years for such decisions to be perceived as something ordinary.
“However, we should not expect much progress. This is due to the fact that heterosexual women and men continue to face stigma if they do not adhere to traditional views ,” the lawyer adds. That is, in most cases, a man will then face condemnation : henpecked, a rag and similar picky remarks. And in such cases, a woman generally appears as some kind of tyrant: she imposed something incomprehensible on her husband, reshaped him for herself, such a viper.
A sign of love and respect or a desire to please your father-in-law
Insiders who are close to Brooklyn share that he decided to take his wife’s last name for a reason. For him, this is a special way to express his gratitude to Nikola, to prove his love and respect. “Brooklyn is head over heels in love with Nicola – this is proof of his devotion and love for her ,” say people from Brooklyn’s circle.
But, to be honest, not everyone considers this to be the real reason . “My wife has a well-known and respected surname, even more respected than his own. No wonder he took her,” “Here, I think, he wanted to please his father-in-law rather than his wife. So that he loves his grandchildren more, he doesn’t deprive him of a share ,” users hint at the billion-dollar fortune of Nelson Peltz, Nikola’s father. “When your father-in-law has a fortune of $2 billion, you will not only take his last name, but you will do a lot of other things ,” others add.
Rumor has it that even in the Beckham family, not everyone is delighted with Brooklyn’s decision . Take the same Victoria who welcomed the new Mrs. Beckham into the family. Although many fans supported Brooklyn in his decision. “I think every couple chooses what’s best for them. You can already afford it. If you decide, then well done”, “Why not? That’s why they have a double name, and it wasn’t Brooklyn who took his wife’s last name.”
Which camp will you join? Write what you think about surnames in the comments.
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