They say that all ages are submissive to love. The famous pop diva Madonna tested this on herself . The 62-year-old star has been together with a young dancer from her team for more than a year. His name is Ahlamalik Williams. He is 36 years younger , but the age difference, apparently, does not bother the couple at all. Moreover, the singer in the photographs looks almost the same age as Akhlamalik. Recently, Madonna and her boyfriend had a barbecue, delighting fans with new photos.
Madonna and her boyfriend
When you look at the photo of Madonna and her boyfriend, it’s hard to believe that the singer is old enough to be a dancer’s mother. Indeed, Madonna clearly does not look 62 years old. Maybe the fact is that the star pays tribute to the latest achievements in cosmetology . Maybe the secret is in the golden hands of plastic surgeons or in the youthful style of Madonna. Or maybe in a state of mind. After all, this is also important.
Family BBQ
Madonna sees her boyfriend not only during performances and training. They have a great time together. So, recently the couple hosted a family barbecue at home . The singer shared bright photos on her Instagram. It’s clear that everyone had a lot of fun. But the attention of fans, of course, was attracted not by the juicy hot dog sausages in the photo, but by Madonna and her young lover.
In addition to Madonna and Akhlamalik, some of Madonna’s friends and daughters were also present at the holiday : Esther and Stella. The pop diva chose an extravagant outfit for family gatherings . She put on short shorts – all in rhinestones, a top that emphasized Madonna’s slender figure and curves. The singer completed her look with fishnet tights, a hat in the style of Western characters and high-heeled shoes. Madonna also took off and put on a bright red vest made of leather and fur. The star also wore a lot of jewelry: rings on almost every finger, bracelets, large hoop earrings. An interesting choice for family fun in the yard. But there is no arguing about tastes.
Madonna is full of brightness
The singer also did quite bright makeup . Thanks to such preparation, Madonna looked 30 years younger in appearance and did not particularly stand out from her lover. By the way, he did not dress so brightly. Apparently, he didn’t want to outshine his girlfriend. Although it’s hard to outshine Madonna, especially when she’s posing for photos. And the pop diva does this very defiantly. Just scroll through the carousel on her Instagram post.
Also recently, Madonna and her boyfriend attended a colorful party . Apparently, fishnet tights have become the singer’s favorite thing. After all, at the party she was again wearing shorts with such tights. In addition, the diva wore a pink wig.
Do you like Madonna’s image now or do you think that the singer should dress less youthfully?
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