
“They weren’t even invited to the wedding.” Why Nicole Kidman’s son disowned his mother.

The acting couple was married from 1990 to 2001. According to rumors, the married life of these two was far from a fairy tale. But the main reason for the breakup was Tom’s religious views. And no matter how Nicole tried to protect the children from his influence, all her efforts were in vain after their father received custody of the offspring. More than 20 years have passed since then, and to this day they unquestioningly obey his will. And sometimes it goes beyond normal. As, for example, in the case when Cruise forbade Kidman to come to the wedding of their adopted son.

Is it true that Cruise banned Kidman from attending their son’s wedding?

By protecting the children from their mother and taking them completely under his influence, the American actor was able to convert the heirs to his faith. So, Connor and Isabella became parishioners of the Church of Scientology – a closed community with a strict religious hierarchy in which everyone obeys the elders. Without their consent, not a single important decision is made, including the issue of marriage.

It is not surprising that Connor’s chosen one is also a supporter of a religious movement. Moreover, it is still unknown whether she knows his mother, because Kidman was not at their wedding. In addition, according to insiders, it was Cruise who convinced his son to hold the ceremony without her participation.

“Tom didn’t even want to see her because she was denying what they believed. In addition, he believes that Nicole has remained in the distant past and nothing connects his family with her anymore ,” the source explained.

An informant from the actor’s circle emphasized that for Connor, his father’s words are the law: “He fully supported Cruise’s decision. There has never been a time when he disobeyed him . ” Despite the fact that this circumstance of affairs greatly saddens Nicole, she does not condemn her children and accepts their choice.

“They are already adults and are able to make decisions on their own. Isabella and Connor made their choice – to follow in the footsteps of their father. Well, my task as a mother is to continue to love them. It doesn’t matter what the child does. I will still love him and will always be open to communication ,” says the actress.

Not mom, just Nicole

But 27-year-old Connor, apparently, is still not ready to get in touch with her. Moreover, he does not consider her his mother, but refers to Nicole simply by name. “I hate this most of all ,” admits the star. She also believes that the ex-husband initially deprived the children of the right to choose in favor of the church, in order to later use them to promote religious ideas.

Do you think there is a chance that Connor will reconnect with his mother? After all, his older sister Isabella is already taking her first steps towards her. Write in the comments!