For some girls, ordinary shortening of the ends turns into a real tragedy, not to mention shorter haircuts. Happy owners of long curls avoid hairdressers at all costs. And beauties can be understood. However, sometimes what once seemed like a crazy idea becomes the best decision in life. After all, hair is not teeth – it will grow back! Even stars decide to make drastic changes , risking the love of their fans. What then should you and I be afraid of? If you have long wanted to experiment with your image, but just can’t muster the will, this collection is for you. For your attention, celebrities who shaved their heads and began to look even cooler.
Celebrities who shaved their heads and didn’t regret it
Natalie Portman
Evangeline Lilly
Willow Smith
Jada Pinkett Smith
Joey King
Millie Bobby Brown
Demmy Moor
Kate Hudson
Beautiful no matter how you cut your hair! Some of our today’s heroes shaved their heads for the sake of the role, and others – for themselves. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t change the fact that even without hair, girls can look stunning. Admit it, have you ever thought about cutting your hair as short as possible? as possible ? Whose transformation from the selection did you like the most? We are waiting for answers in the comments!
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