
People who look like stars so much that they even get their autographs.

Every person in the world has a double. More precisely, even about 5–7, according to statistics. But this number is often artificially increased, because there are a large number of fans who spend huge sums to imitate their idols. Some even copy not only their appearance, but also their lifestyle.

Of course, for most, dozens of plastic surgeries do not pass without a trace , and the doubles of them are very dubious. But there are also those whose similarities can be truly misleading.

Sofia Solares – Selena Gomez

The Mexican is only three years younger than her famous double. Thanks to her appearance, the girl has a popular blog on Instagram; she has almost 700 thousand subscribers. Sofia says that the resemblance was given to her by nature, and she did not change her appearance in any way. She only successfully emphasizes the resemblance to the singer with makeup.

Ellinor Hellborg – Adele

Ellinor, 26, runs her own beauty blog, which is largely popular due to her resemblance to Adele. She, like Adele, is well aware of her appearance, and also constantly tries to imitate the famous singer in outfits and makeup.

Mardi Shackleford – Miley Cyrus

The 20-year-old American has been compared to singer Miley Cyrus since she was 14 years old. Their similarity is so great that the girl often has to fight off other fans who mistake her for their idol. But it was they who convinced Mardi to run his own Instagram, which became quite popular.

You can make good money and become famous by looking like a celebrity. So it is not surprising that many try to imitate the stars. Even if they deny it.

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