View AllZach Galifianakis has become a household name and one of the most beloved comedians in Hollywood. However, he had…
John Lennon’s son Julian vowed he would never perform his father’s iconic peace anthem “Imagine.” He would only perform…
Considered one of the best crossover artists and best-selling musicians of all time, Kenny Rogers was a love warrior…
Melissa Sue Anderson, known for playing Mary Ingalls in the “Little House on the Prairie,” for many reasons wanted…
There are many couples in Hollywood whose relationship doesn’t stand the test of time. I can imagine it’s hard…
I can only imagine the amount of unrelenting pressure most celebrities live their lives trying to deal with. Criticism…
Dolly Parton has lived a long and mega-successful life in the spotlight. The iconic singer’s talents have transcended decades…
Candice Bergen is a television screen staple. The actress has been in multiple shows and movies over the years,…
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been together for nearly 35 years, becoming one of Hollywood’s strongest couples. In…