
Haunting detail in video of missing teen Cameron Robbins just before he disappeared comes to light

It’s now been over a week since missing teenager Cameron Robbins was last seen after jumping off a cruise ship in the Bahamas.

A terrifying video shows the 18-year-old from Louisiana swimming off into the darkness of the ocean before disappearing altogether from view.

The teenager was celebrating his high school graduation on the sunset cruise, but reportedly leapt from the deck of the ship after a dare on May 24. When he failed to return to the vessel, a search was immediately launched to find him, though that search was called off three days later on May 27.

Video footage of Robbins jumping from the cruise has now spread around the internet, with a number of viewers confident that they’ve spotted a horrifying detail that might explain why he never made it back to the ship…

Family has shared this photo of Cameron Robbins, who’s missing after he went overboard during a boat ride in the…

According to reports, Robbins had graduated from University Laboratory School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana before embarking on a trip to the Bahamas with fellow students.

Just a few short hours after their arrival, however, Robbins and his friends attended a sunset party cruise. At around 9:40 pm local time, Robbins was filmed jumping off the cruise ship as it passed close to Athol Island.

Video footage of the teenager’s stunt was uploaded to social media, showing Robbins disappearing into the dark waters. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force, with the assistance of the US Coast Guard Southeast, launched an immediate search, but found no trace of the teen.

Announcing the suspension of their search, the RBDF tweeted: “We offer our sincerest condolences to Cameron Robbins’ family and friends.”

Search suspended for Louisiana teen Cameron Robbins, who allegedly went overboard on dare in Bahamas.Search efforts…

Raymond King, Royal Bahamas Defense Force (RBDF) Commodore, provided a more detailed update, stating that the area Robbins was last seen in “is really shark infested”.

“The probability of survival decreases significantly particularly if a person did not have on a life vest and particularly if a person is perceived to be intoxicated,” King explained.

“I can tell you that area where an individual reportedly jumped over, it’s an area that is really shark infested as well.

“It is so unfortunate but I don’t want the family to lose hope.”

Please keep Cameron Robbins and his family in prayer. He’s been missing since late Wednesday night in the Bahamas on…

The theories as to what exactly befell Robbins after he jumped into the water are many, though one that seems to have gained a lot of traction over the past few days seems to agree somewhat with King’s statement.

With footage of Robbins in the water available for all to see, certain viewers are convinced that they can see a large shark close to where Robbins is swimming.

“The video doesn’t lie, he was attacked by a shark and taken under,” one person commented.

Another said: “You can see the shark to the left of the video’ and another was adamant they ‘saw the fin’ in the short video.”

A third added: “He initially goes for the buoy but then turns around when he sees the shark, ultimately disappearing into the water, likely dragged down. Very sad.”

We can’t imagine what Cameron’s family are going through at this terrible time. Here’s to praying he’s found soon.

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