
Britney Spears’ sons spoke to the public for the first time about their relationship with their mother.

As you know, the relationship between children and their parents cannot always be called ideal. Especially if regular scandals, illegal substances and even the world of show business are involved. For example, Britney Spears’ sons recently spoke out about their mother and their relationship with her. You will learn the details with us in the next couple of minutes.

Britney Spears’ sons talk about their mother

Perhaps it’s no secret that Britney Spears gave birth to her only children in her marriage to dancer and rapper Kevin Federline. For example, Sean Preston was born on September 14, 2005. A year later, on September 12, Jayden James was born. It was only in November that the artist filed for divorce. The reason was “irresolvable contradictions” with her husband.

It would seem that she will be able to retain her parental rights. Britney would allow her ex-husband to see his heirs. Alas, subsequent scandals and even the use of illegal substances put an end to child custody. Thus, it was Spears who was now forced to see them only on weekends.

15 years have passed since then. However, the singer is in no hurry to meet her heirs. What can we say, the sons of Britney Spears themselves, speaking about their mother, do not want to interfere once again in this whole “circus around her personal life.” After all, the paparazzi are not going to miss any opportunity to fuel rumors about a celebrity.

There’s nothing stronger than a mother’s love

For example, according to Kevin Federline, the artist’s sons were not even present at her wedding to Sam Asgari. The event took place on June 9, 2022. By the way, they first met back in 2016, when the man took part in the filming of her new music video.

However, there is no hatred in the relationship between Britney and her children. For example, 16-year-old Preston and 15-year-old Jayden admitted that they love their parent. Moreover, the boys dream of establishing a connection with her. However, for now, the situation when they do not see each other for several months in a row is quite real.

“We love our mother very much. And, of course, we hope only for the best for her. Maybe someday we will sit down and talk again .” Interestingly, Britney Spears herself has repeatedly admitted that there is nothing stronger than a mother’s love for her children. Therefore, we are sure that we should hope for their reunion. True, this will require a lot of effort and patience.