
Singer Cheraccused of kidnappingher own son.

As it became_known, singer_Cher is accused_of_hiring people who_kidnapped her own_son. The accusation itself was brought forward by the celebrity’s daughter-in-law . So, according to her, everything happened on the anniversary of their marriage. What is known about the whereabouts of Elijah_Blue_Allman and what details were told by his wife Maria King, you will find out in the next few minutes.

Singer Cher accused

Perhaps, as you probably know, scandalous events happen every now and then in the world of show business. It is clearly not possible to ignore them. Especially when it comes to kidnapping. For example, singer Cher_is_accused of kidnapping_her_own_son. But is this really true? Let’s try to figure it out.

As follows from the statement of Elijah’s wife, Maria King, everything happened in November2022. That day, the couple were in their hotel_room in New_York and, according to eyewitnesses, tried to save their marriage. You see, the year before, they had already filed for divorce, not intending to put up with everyday misunderstandings. Nevertheless, on the anniversary of the union, the young people decided to give their relationship a second chance.

Alas, fate had other plans. Specifically, Elijah’s mother, singer Cher . It is not known what motivated the artist, but, according to Maria King, she hired_four_men to kidnap_her_own son from_his wife. This happened on that same ill-fated day when the couple were in a NewYork_hotel.

Location unknown

“After 12days together in _NewYork, on November30,2022, our wedding_anniversary, four men_entered_our_room and took Allman_away. One of the men_who took_him told me that_they were_hired by Elijah’s_mother ,” Maria’s statement_reads. It is worth noting that prohibited substances were also involved here.

You see, Allman_is_currently in a treatment_facility. Alas, no one is going to provide information about Maria’s last. Moreover, since August 2022, they were prohibited from seeing each other, much less talking. Therefore, today the girl has no idea about the whereabouts of her husband.

“I understand_his_family’s efforts to keep_him_healthy and I want_best_for my_husband.” It is worth noting that Allman himself has repeatedly stated his problems with banned substances. Interestingly, since 2010, Cher’s heir has periodically recovered from addiction. However, after a while he returned to her again, not having enough willpower to break this vicious circle.