
How singer Janet Jackson was criticized for her decision to become a mother at 50.

Press and viewers always pay close attention to celebrity pregnancies.Due to the singer’s decision to become a mother for the first time at the age of 50, the announcement of her pregnancy created a stir.Millions of women who are anxious about late pregnancy and childbirth will find comfort in her narrative, which will also boost their spirits.

The reasons why Janet Jackson chose to have children exclusively with her third marriage

After two failed marriages, the American singer wed Qatari billionaire Wissam al-Mana in 2012.It was revealed that they were expecting a kid four years later.Jackson postponing her Unbreakable tour sparked the initial claims of her pregnancy.

Although the pregnancy of the artist was a sensation, the media and general people weren’t merely pleased for her. Jackson was overjoyed, as any woman who dreams of having children is. “My husband and I are planning our family,” she added before calling off the second portion of the tour. Please attempt to comprehend how crucial it is for me to take this action right away. The singer continued by discussing her new chapter in life and expressing her gratitude to God for this miracle.

She would have a child after turning 50, though, and several scientists were expressing their concerns about the hazards. Some of the writings on this subject were utterly unethical and included subliminal condemnation of “older” mothers.

People suspected that Jackson did IVF and froze her eggs

Some publications claim that IVF was used to help the celebrity get pregnant.Even the singer was highlighted by the infertility clinic on its website.The star’s pregnancy and how she got pregnant were topics of non-stop press coverage.

Despite the numerous talks, worries, and rumors that surrounded Janet’s pregnancy, the singer gave birth to a healthy child on January 3, 2017.Issa is the name of the boy.The celebrity’s publicist revealed that Janet gave birth without any problems or stress, and that she then had a good night’s sleep.

Rather than confirming or refuting the IVF claims, Jackson concentrated on parenthood and balancing her new job with her singing career.

In an interview with Stellar magazine, she stated that she is attempting to handle everything on her own and that complaining about the difficulties of motherhood is not her style, despite the fact that the new job did not come easily to her.” Being a working mother is difficult.I don’t have a babysitter.Everything is done by me.Why can’t I do it if my mother did it with nine children?Of course, someone looks after my son while I am at work, but this is my child, and I am his mother.It’s not always easy, but my life has transformed.Obviously, my child is my priority.”

Jackson knows that “having a child at this age is a gift”

When asked when she felt most beautiful in her life, the actress responded, “When she felt most beautiful in her life.””I feel the most beautiful when I’m with my son,” she went on to say.This is the gift that God has given to me.It’s incredible that he allowed me to do this at my age.”

Janet Jackson divorced her husband shortly after the birth of Issa.She is a working single mother who is struggling to combine her time with her child and her career.But, at the end of the day, she believes that holding her son in her arms is priceless.

“I’m sure I’ll need someone in the future, some help here and there, but I don’t have anyone [now], and that’s fine with me.”I’ve always been patient, but [motherhood] requires even more patience, and I had no idea I was as patient as I am.My first and most significant love is my son.”I get up, I go to bed – everything revolves around him,” Jackson explains.

Janet doesn’t want her son to follow in her footsteps

The singer’s son is now five years old.On the occasion of her son’s birthday in February 2022, Jackson wrote a heartwarming post on her Instagram page.”You are growing up so quickly,” she wrote.He’s a smart and gorgeous young man.I wish you many amazing moments in your life.”You are your mother’s love.”

According to the celebrity, Issa is already interested in music, but Janet, who began her career in music at a young age, wants her son to enjoy his childhood on his own terms.However, she also states that she will accept whatever decision the boy takes.”It is entirely dependent on him.It’s fine with me if he doesn’t want anything to do with music.”

What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of becoming a parent later in life?