
Marie Fredriksson moves everyone to tears with her song choice – watch now as the camera captures the princess couple’s reaction

World stars are used to standing in front of packed arenas where every person in the audience sings along to their songs.

But performing on festive occasions of a more intimate nature is something completely extra.

For example, if you have to sing at a wedding, there may be some pressure – especially if you know that you have been invited there precisely at the request of the bride and groom.

Marie Fredriksson had already been on the world’s big arenas when she was asked to sing at Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill’s wedding.

Although it might not have been Ullevi that Marie was to perform at, she still had the eyes of the world on her.

Millions around the world followed the royal wedding and when it was time for Marie to sing “Annu doftar kärlek”, everyone got goosebumps.

Her magically warm tone, left no one unmoved.

I’m hardly alone in loving weddings.

It is an occasion when we get the chance to celebrate and celebrate the true magic of love together with those closest to us.

Regardless of whether we are ordinary Svenssons or royalty, we want the big day to go smoothly.

Luckily, we don’t all have the eyes of the world on us when we say yes to the love of our life.

But if you’re royalty, it’s something you just have to count on.

Marie Fredriksson, the princess couple

Getting married at the town hall is not on the map for our beloved royal family.

Not least Princess Madeleine knows that when she said yes to her beloved Chris O’Neill on June 8, 2013.

The loving ceremony took place in the Palace Church in Stockholm and celebrities from all over the world were invited to the big wedding.

At home, people were sitting in front of the television sets and taping – and the media presence was also large internationally, where the wedding was broadcast live on both German and Finnish television.

Marie Fredriksson moves everyone to tears with “Still smells of love”

Yes, the princess couple didn’t just have the guests in place to think about – the whole world held its breath as they declared their love for each other.

And one of the many who had been invited to the stately wedding was popular artist Marie Fredriksson.

By then she had already toured the world as we know with Roxette colleague Per Gessle.

Marie Fredriksson

But when she was commissioned to sing at the royal wedding, it wasn’t from the hit duo’s songbook.

Instead, she sang her beloved classic song “Annu doftar kärlek”, which, to say the least, was fitting for the day.

During the song, you could several times see how Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill exchanged loving glances. The performance also went straight to the hearts of the Swedish people.

Marie Fredriksson’s enormously warm voice and timbre really touches the depths.

It’s hard not to shed a tear when you watch the performance and hear Marie sing as only she could.

After the performance, you can see that Madeleine and Chris are noticeably touched, and whisper “thank you so much” to Marie.

The clip has been viewed by over 1 million people on Youtube. And it is not particularly difficult to understand why . This is so beautiful and romantic that the hair will stand on end.